Thursday, 21 February 2013

Difference between UMN lesions and LMN lesions

Upper Motor Neuron lesions:

> Paralysis affects the movement of a group of muscles.
> Tone of the muscles is increased.
> No wasting of muscles.
> Fasciculations absent.
> Babiniski sign +ve.
> Clonus absent.

Lower Motor Neuron lesions:

> Individual group of muscle is paralysed.
> Tone of the muscles is decreased.
> Wasting of the affected muscles.
> Fasciculations present.
> Babiniski sign -ve.
> Clonus absent.

Rain at dmc, a rare sight.

Photo credits: Shahzad Anwar.

Ita erat quando hic adveni.

Finally got time to start a new blog. Had this planned for ages in my mind.. Its the lazy Pakistaniat in me; we plan to do a lot of things but "not now".

Wont write much. Just wanna share some cool latin words that I came across :

Ita erat quando hic adveni. (It was that way when I got here.)

Yeah, world was like this when we came here.